Employee Engagement Trends

Deep dive into the 10th Annual Industry Report

Join Chris Jarvis and Nathan Froelich for a live virtual event that will deep dive into data on the corporate social responsibility landscape from the latest YourCause Industry Review. We’ll also provide tips for companies to drive employee engagement and share a few examples of CSR strategies from companies we’ve worked with.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • Review of employee engagement trends overtime
  • How to use the Industry Report data to benchmark or estimate a budget for your CSR programs
  • Tips and examples on how to engage more employees with volunteering

Chris Jarvis' headshot


Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer, Realized Worth & Executive Director, RW Institute

Chris Jarvis is a co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Realized Worth, a consulting firm focused on the design and implementation of transformative employee volunteering and giving initiatives. His work with organizations of all sizes from around the world is helping mobilize employees to make meaningful contributions in the communities where they live and work.

In 2015, Chris and his partner, Angela Parker, launched the RW Institute (RWI), a think tank focused on advancing the practice and theory of corporate citizenship.

RWI is a collective of diverse stakeholders from around the world, committed to bringing evidence-based approaches to employee engagement in giving and volunteering using neuroscience, social sciences, transformative learning theory and other related academic disciplines.

Widely known for his thought-leadership in employee volunteering, workplace giving and corporate social responsibility, in 2011, the United Nations Office of Partnerships invited Chris to design and launch the first private sector led initiative to achieve the post-millennial Sustainable Development Goals through corporate volunteering. The IMPACT2030 initiative is the only business led effort designed to unite companies in their corporate volunteering efforts to address the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

In 2021, the RW Institute launched Nudge the Good. The initiative aims to formally apply Behavioral Science insights to the practice of employee volunteering and giving. The goal is to model a scientific approach for break-through results in corporate citizenship that can be shared and duplicated by organizations in any region or context. Nudge the Good partners include Ideas42, The World Bank, Nike, Medtronic Foundation, Target, Starbucks, KPMG, CIBC, Altria, and 3BL Media.

The goal is to help practitioners be more successful – whether they are clients, engaged formally or not. Chris believes the work these men and women do as part of corporate citizenship is critical to addressing the huge social and environmental issues facing our global society.

Nathan Froelich's headshot


Sr. Manager, Strategy and Business Development, YourCause from Blackbaud

Nathan Froelich leads Strategy and Business Development for YourCause from BlackBaud, a corporate social responsibility solution that catalyzes stronger, coordinated, and more meaningful impact from corporations and employees in the community.

He is responsible for deepening Blackbaud’s focus on the rapidly growing CSR and ESG industry, executing on strategic initiatives critical to client’s needs, and ensuring the solutions evolve and expand with the heightened expectations on corporation’s impact.

Nathan joined Blackbaud in early 2022 from JPMorgan Chase & Co., where for the past 14 years he had progressed from their Corporate Analyst Development Program to Executive Director and Chief Data Officer for JPMC’s Corporate Responsibility (CR) department.

During Nathan’s 8-year tenure in JPMC’s CR department his responsibilities and accomplishments included developing and implementing the departments first data strategy enabling stronger coordination among its business units as well as transparency, impact measurement, and accountability for its $2B investment in philanthropic capital.

Prior to his role as Chief Data Officer, Nathan led and transformed JPMC’s technology and operations for a CR team that has been recognized for setting the standard for how business can leverage its expertise, data, research, capital, and global reach to ensure economic opportunity is available to more people.

Nathan obtained his undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and received his Master of Business Administration from Syracuse University.