Employees at Small and Medium Sized Businesses are Highly Engaged with CSR

2021 CSR Industry Review: Small and Medium Business Focus

Companies large and small are investing in purpose and social responsibility programs:

Our report includes an analysis of employee engagement trends across companies with 0 – 100,000+ employees. The smallest company size considered in this report, 0 – 1,000 employees, had the highest overall giving and volunteering engagement rates. The data below compares the 2020 metrics to the metrics from 2019.

Companies with 0 – 1000 employees had the highest engagement for all metrics


Combined Employee Engagement

+1.76% from 2019


Average Annual Employee Donation Amount per donor

+$677 from 2019


Average Annual Company Match per Participant

+$3,474 from 2019


Average Hours per Volunteer

+9 from 2019

This data shows you don’t have to be a large corporation to implement CSR practices like employee giving and volunteering to make a big social impact. Employees want to be engaged in purpose driven work85% of millennials believe making a positive difference in the world is more important that professional recognition. – What Millennials Want from Work

Companies with 1001-5000 employees were not far behind!

The data below shows employee engagement metrics for 2020 compared to 2019. This company size group also saw an increase for most metrics.

20.71%  – Combined Employee Engagement ( -7.29%)

19.20%  – Giving Engagement (+0.20%)

10.38% – Volunteering Engagement (-5.62%)

$803  – Average Annual Employee donation per Donor (+$92)

$848  – Average Annual Company Match per Participant (+$108)

14   – Average Hours per Volunteer (+4)


Check out the Highlights from the 2021 Industry Review blog for more information regarding the 9th issue of the report.

Highlights from the 2021 Industry Review Issue 9 screenshot

Download the Infographic

Hopefully this data shows the significant impact small and medium sized companies and their employees can make on their communities.

Get started with employee giving and volunteering

Employee giving and volunteering is a vital element of a company’s CSR efforts. In addition to the social good impact, CSR also provides tangible benefits to a company and its employees.