Beyond the Basics: Segmentation

Spotlight on Segmentation

CSRconnect, our employee engagement software, comes with many features that go beyond the basics. The platform is designed to power purpose driven work and drive engagement. Virtual employee resource groups, Engagement Elements, customizable user profiles and Segmentation are some of the features in the platform that don’t come at an extra cost.

In this blog series, we will get a look at some of the exciting ways our customers are leveraging these features to take their programs to the next level. First up: Segmentation!

What is segmentation in CSRconnect?

Segmentation in CSRconnect pie graph

Segmentation is a feature that allows you to create unique and different user-experiences within CSRconnect based on user-roles setup. For example, different employee types (full-time vs retiree), geographic locations, and/or employees that are a part of sub-brands within the larger corporate family can each have a different experience shown when they login to the platform.

Segmentation can be used to display different language settings, highlight different Engagement Elements across groups (segments) defined, and even differentiate major features available to certain employees like Giving and Volunteering. This is a great way to rollout or test new features within a smaller segment or U.S. only segment of employees before making a program initiative globally available. Let’s hear from the frontlines how this feature is being used by clients in the Global Good Network.

Customer Success Manager Spotlights

Ashley Knowles

How do you describe segmentation? 

I would say Segmentation is a feature that allows customization for clients to direct the information found on their platform to specific user-bases. I love that Segmentation isn’t exclusive to geographic region and can be used for things like different brands. I love that it’s an out of the box feature that can be used in so many different ways.

What is an interesting way you have seen a client utilize the feature?

I have a few clients that really utilize segmentation! I have one client who primarily uses the feature for languages. I’ve also seen clients with multiple brands in their portfolio use segmentation to create an experience for employees that reflects the brand they work for.

About Ashley:

Ashley Knowles has been with Blackbaud for 1.5 years and is based in the Finger Lakes region of New York. She brings firsthand experience managing CSR programs from her previous roles and is passionate about youth development and eradicating childhood poverty.

Chelsy Green

How do you describe segmentation? 
I view it as a way to support clients with different groups of employees that need customized access to utilize different parts of the platform. It doesn’t just have to come down to being regionally specific. I’ve seen Segmentation used to create a different experience for current employees vs. retirees. You’re able to break down different kinds of people and what you want them to have access to, so that they don’t all have to see the same things or access the same features. Segmentation can be used for so much more than just localization, and I hope we continue to see our clients leverage the feature beyond just geography and language.

How are your clients utilizing segmentation?

One major way my clients are using Segmentation is to create a more local experience for their employees around the globe. One of my clients has big employee hubs across the EU/UK, APAC, and the United States, and has a segment for each of those regions. This allows for them to have more regionally specific volunteer events, charities, and Engagement Elements that highlight program initiatives for employees based on their location.

Segmentation is just one piece of functionality that CSRconnect offers to help take CSR programs to the next level. We hope this insight into how clients in the Global Good Network are using this feature sparks inspiration for a new and unique way you could apply it to enhance your CSR program for each part of your company culture. If you’re a current YourCause client consider hopping in the discussion board in the Blackbaud Community to introduce yourself and start a discussion on how you are using this feature in your programs.

About Chelsy:

Chelsy Green has also been with Blackbaud for 1.5 years. As a mom, she is passionate about supporting her kid’s school through their PTA and ensuring teachers get the support they need.