Drive Employee Participation with Engagement Elements
This resource will help your company to activate employee participation with engagement elements, a feature in the CSRconnect platform.
What are Engagement Elements?
Engagement Elements (EEs), a unique feature in CSRconnect, allow a company to highlight a specific event or topic on the home screen when an employee logs into the system.
Variety of Engagement Elements:
- Redirect
- Resource
- Standard
- Voting
- Custom
This guide will highlight the different types of EEs available in the solution, along with use-case examples of how companies have been successful with using these tools.
“During the month of September, Wells Fargo encourages every employee to participate in a Month of Action, or complete small, daily acts of kindness for those around them to create change. Through a redirect EE, Wells Fargo encourages employees to share their acts of kindness in a short survey, along with links to a calendar that has specific acts for each day of the month and a checklist with 100 kindness acts to complete.”
“Choosing the ‘goal’ feature allowed us to show our progress and money raised right on the homepage and on the EE page itself. Having the progress displayed generated so much more buzz around the campaign; employees were checking the percentage daily to see how much closer we were to the goal. It certainly proved itself to be a worthwhile feature to add to the campaign.”
Senior Associate of Stewardship