CSR Communication Toolkit

Get Strategies to Plan and Spread Your CSR Story

The purpose of this white paper is to provide you with the tactics you need to plan your CSR program’s communication strategy, along with the tips to spread your message and mission to your employees, community, and customers during any situation.

Checklist: Communicating with Employees in Uncertain Times

Lay the ground work

  • Work with your CSR counterparts to share messaging and resources.
  • Spend time on social media to see what people are saying, what hashtags they are using and the general sentiment. This can help inform your communication strategy.
  • Reach out to a few champions to ask how they are doing and get a feel for their sentiment and response. This may be important input for your decisions moving forward.
  • Ask your champions to closely track their philanthropic work so you can identify trends in data and share their experiences internally and externally.

Make Communication Decisions

  • Decide the tone for your communications, the cadence, and the opportunities you will provide.
  • Consider whether you can implement a storytelling approach.
  • As you create communication plans, encourage your CSR champions to reach out to employees. Follow-up should be based on each employee’s response. Was the employee eager to hear about the volunteering opportunity or did they seem too overwhelmed to engage immediately?

Use Data as a Guide

  • Track and analyze results of all digital communications to determine the next course of action.
  • Use data and personas to identify the top nonprofits your employees have engaged with to develop a focused giving campaign and/or volunteering event.
  • Ask the CSR team to maintain detailed proposals so you have as much information as possible to forecast the future disaster outcome.

Don’t stop here! Make sure you continue to communicate with your employees and community. Transparency builds trust and communicating your organization’s response is the best way to keep your mission and impact top-of-mind. Download the full communication toolkit by filling out the form!